HPMC-hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose

HPMC-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, for non-ionic type, in dry mortar is commonly used as water retention agent, is commonly used in mortar zui water retention material.
The production process of HPMC is mainly a kind of polysaccharide ether product produced by the etherification and simplification of cotton fiber.It has no charge, does not react with charged ions in gelled materials, stable performance, and the price is lower than other types of cellulose ether, so it is widely used in dry mixed mortar.
Hydroxypropyl. Methyl cellulose function: can make the newly mixed mortar thickened so as to have a certain degree of wet viscosity, to prevent segregation.Water retention is also the most important property, which helps to maintain the free water in the mortar, so that the mortar construction, the cementing material has more time to hydrate.(water retention) its own cause, can introduce uniform fine bubbles, improve the mortar construction.
For the same product, with different methods measured viscosity results vary greatly, some even doubled the difference, so the comparison of viscosity, must be carried out between the same test methods, including temperature, rotor, etc.
For particle size, the finer the particle, the better the water retention.After the large particles of cellulose ether contact with water, the surface immediately dissolved and formed a gel to wrap the material to prevent water molecules to continue to infiltrate, sometimes a long time stirring can not be evenly dispersed and dissolved, forming a cloudy flocculent solution or clumps.The solubility of cellulose ether is one of the factors to choose cellulose ether.

HPMC-hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose , welcome to our website: www.hpmccelluloseether.com

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